Monday, September 01, 2008

Maid-Rite Friday Parts 2 & 3

Maid-Rite Friday part 2 happened with not much excitement, although it ended up being a Maid-Rite "Friday"/Saturday.
*for those of you who are new to Maid-Rite Friday, check out this previous post.*
These were the few pictures that I took...Lame I know. Except for the first one if Wendy looking adorable cooking the most amazing meal EVER. The next one was her amazingly old microwave and then the last one is her cat. For all who know my not so love of cats you will think this is funny. I swear I caught her drinking out of my glass. NAST.
Oh and we watched the movie Twister filmed near Ames, Iowa.
Maid-Rite Friday part 3 was a little more eventful as we went to get our usual menu of foods we decided to try yet another new Maid-Rite recipe involving Chicken Gumbo soup. Anything with the word Gumbo in it has to be good right?
We went to get our "Zesties" and we couldn't find them. My heart started racing and we started to panic a bit.I looked everywhere behind bags in front of bags, on different shelves. Nothing. Just as we were about to give up...I decided that I couldn't leave without giving it one more try. I reached in started pulling out bags and lo and behold..."HALLELUJAH!"Zesties!!
Shhh...momma's here.
There was even a little victory dance. It's a little frightening. sorry.

I macro-ed the zesties...
and I macro-ed the maid-rite. (NAST!) it really is tasty...I promise.
Wendy was really livin' on the edge and decided to go for two Zesties at the same time. She's crazy like that.We watched the movie Final Season that was filmed in Norway, IA and also Cedar Rapids, IA.
It was truly amazing. We are confident that Sean Astin was indeed eating a Maid-Rite in this scene!!
And one of the baseball players did indeed do the Maid-Rite Friday dance:



elly said...

oh my gosh, i loved the victory dance! please post more dances for me whenever possible!

emily, you send smiles around the world!

Leah said...

that was really funny! you're a nerd!!!!!!!!! :)