Monday, September 08, 2008


What in the world is going on!? is this for real?! For some reason I could see my bro-in-law (Joe) doing this song!


Connie said...

I COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING, WAIT, GOTTA RUN TO THE BATHROOM. . . . ok, I'm back. Especially funny having read your comment about seeing Joe singing this song. YES, we love you, Joe! Please do it! Laura, you record it. Just one verse? Maybe the one about Jesus being like a mounty, he always gets his man. I don't know, the whole thing was a riot. Judging by those large glasses and open neck shirts, it was in the 70's???

Jen said...

What. On. Earth. Was. That.

Rachel Bardwell said...

". . . He taught me how to praise my God and still play rock and roll. . ."


(Although I do like the red guitar player's moves.)

Anonymous said...

That guy can really rock that song!

Rachel Bardwell said...

OK, I went back and watched this again (OK, 3 more times) and each time I got a little more sad. You KNOW that these people practiced for hours and hours and really thought they had a rockin' song! I am sure they were SOO excited to be on TV and share their wonderful song with the world!! Please tell me that people won't laugh at Beautiful Feet songs some day!!

Laura said...

Oh, my. All I'm sayin' is there is some rehearsin' going on at our house. Whoa.

elly said...

aiyo! (a chinese exclamation, in this case i'm using it to express disgust!)

So... WWJD? I think he'd run, fast.