Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Movies in the Park

Last weekend some friends got together to go to the movies in the park. Every summer, Alamo Drafthouse sets up a huge screen in Republic Square park downtown and they show a movie the last Saturday of the month! and it's free! FUN!
Here are some pics.
Jen and I...
Wendy and I doing...a dance...or something...
Wendy, Leona and I...
Wendy and I...don't ask...
Do I have anything in my teeth?, not at all.
Anyone guess that movie? (that wasn't there or didn't know about it)


Tina Marie said...

I'm gonna guess, "Just Like Heaven." I've never seen the movie and am only basing this off of his imdb profile. Was it any good?

Jen said...

Yay! That was so much fun! I'm so behind in blogging land...dang.

Leona said...

That was an awesome night, surrounded by friends under the stars. We gotta do that again.