Friday, September 29, 2006

Fondue? or Fondon't?

The other day I had to be to work by 7:30, which means I was leaving the house a little before 7:00. It was a beautiful day and this was the picture as I looked out over the hills as I was driving!
I am so not a morning person, but this picture makes me want to be one!!

I had a previous post about this place that puts out tons of lawn ornaments. The started off with flamingos, then to penguins and now back to famingos! So random!

Here is the Capital Building at night. It is so cool!
Hilary and I just got an apartment and we move in on Monday! It is only about 6 blocks from the capital! So when you are going down the street to get to our place you can see this!!
It's GREAT!!

This is one of my favorite things...
HEB's version of Dr. Pepper! LOVE IT!

Last night we had one of our last dinners with the Stephen's family and we had a fondue night! It was wonderful!


Anonymous said...

That bird thing is so strange! Keep us posted.

Kelli B said...

Please tell hilary she looks VERY pretty. i love it!

Shadley said...

hey francy pants
i love all the pics, i feel like i am in austin too!