Saturday, December 02, 2006

Christmas Fun @ Thanksgiving

The setting: Lobb House
The band: "We're Gonna Rock Your Pants"


Vitamin Z said...

who is the monkey in the back playing the toy xylophone?

Meghan said...

Okay Em this video was worth the wait! I love it! I cracked up as well as Francisco as we watched it. At first I thought it was real and that you were playing the piano, but then I caught on:)

emily said...

Z-That would be Zach Lobb! Isn't that hilarious! If Luke would have had his long hair still he looks like Jesus when his hair is long! That would have been fitting for our Christmas spirit.
Meg-You are funny...this is real. I am really playing the piano. And everyone is really playing their instruments! Did you think we were "pretending"?!?!


It's sad to say, but the only instrument that I could manage to play that well would be the toy piano. Zach, I admire your talent, kid.

Kelli B said...

um, you have the COOLEST family in the world! PS - macbride state park is AMAZING! ilove it there...