Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Donations Needed

HELP! Fedna and “Bear” are in SERIOUS need of surgery. They need to get to the US as quickly as possible. My friends Jamie and Aaron are hosting sweet Fedna after the surgery while she recovers. She cannot get the care that she needs in Haiti, so a doctor and hospital here are giving that to her for FREE!
But they need to get here.
Would you consider donating some $?
When I think about the amount of money that is spent on Christmas presents it seriously makes me want to vomit. And these kids are in need of $ for flights to save their lives.
Here they are:


Here's how you can help:

Send donations to-
Medical Advocacy Team
PO BOX 340
Albany, OH 45710

You can even use your paypal account, which is easier and quicker, go to the Medical Advocacy Team's blog and click on the donate button.

Spread the word...they need to get here. Pray for them.

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