So here's the deal.
There is a rat in my apartment. No joke.
Some of you may be thinking...."This sounds she re-telling a story?"
NO. No re-telling of any crazy story that happened way over a year ago (2 years in April).
This is live, real life, happening right now craziness.
If you want in on the situation from last time. The links are below. I blogged about the whole experience and several people thought it was quite hilarious.
You'll probably want to check them out, start from the beginning to get the full experience:
1. A Not So Fun Experience
2. A Not So Fun Experience Part 2
3. It's Not Over...It's SO Not Over...
4. It Keeps Getting Worse...But I'm Trying To Be Thankful
5. Rat #3 and I'm Still Trying To Be Thankful
6. It's Starting to Look A Little Brighter
7. I Don't Want to See Anymore Turds
8. Rat #4, Day 11
9. Rat Update
So here is this story...
(I didn't find it as funny as last I didn't pull out my camera for any pictures.)
It was a lovely evening and I had just gotten home from an appointment and I stopped to get the mail. I love getting mail at this time of year. Christmas cards are my favorite.
I was going through the letters and I received my kid in the mail!
My World Vision kid.
Tsebo is his name and he is cute and black and from Africa. He has the cutest cheeks in the world. I was oooing and ahhing over him and breaking as I read about his life and prayed for him.
I went and finished getting my stuff together to go coffeeshop it up with Jen and I decided that I was going to take my kid with me and I was even going to give Jen a picture of him (they give you extra pictures and she suggested getting one to put on her desk to pray for him...afterall...she did talk me into getting him). So I grabbed my scissors and the thought crossed my mind to bring my other kid from Compassion along and I could pray for both of them.
His name is Mike and he is from Kenya. His picture was on my refrigerator.
So I turn on the light to the kitchen, with scissors still in hand, smiling and thinking about these sweet black babies and maybe even thinking about how I need one.
When ALL OF A SUDDEN a RAT goes running across my kitchen floor.
Ruining all thoughts of sweet black babies.
I screamed. I should have thrown the scissors at it, I'm regretting not doing that. But with my aim I probably would have taken everything else out but the rat.
My roommate, Dana, is at home in Florida. My old roommate Hilary (who was with me the last rat situation) is now married and has her own rat fighting man.
I was by myself. Alone.
Thoughts ran through my mind of calling the fire department. Calling my friend Matt. Or just getting some balls and dealing with it right then and there.
So what do I do?
I leave as fast as I can, all lights left on, and I call my Iowa.
It took me several tries of squealing through what happened before she understood the situation.
Then she laughed.
So I get to Thunderbird and Jen is waiting for me.
Laura says on the phone, "Get Jen to help you she's real scrappy like that."
Let's just say Jen was only semi-appreciative of that statement. But yet...she was very helpful.
We packed up our things right away and headed to Walmart to find some traps.
I'm going to go ahead and confess that at this point I was being a real big poop. I didn't have the best attitude. It was REAL quiet in the car ride.
We get the traps go back to my apartment and Jen being the scrappy brave person that she is...starts moving the oven, getting down on her hands and knees, and let me just say that she is wearing flip flops.
You may be wondering what I am doing during all of this. soon as she started moving things around I hightailed it out of there and on to my dining room chair.
I stayed there for awhile. Just in case.
I did shout out some encouraging, "Jen, you are brave!" comments and offered her close toed shoes.
We looked behind the oven and poop. Lots of poop.
At this point I'm shaking my head saying, "this is not good."
I think I even said, "that little bastard". sorry. it's true.
So "we" set up the traps and I get an overnight bag and we head out to continue our Thunderbird time, then for a sleepover. No way am I staying in my apartment knowing that running around.
My management people know what's up and they are handling it a lot better than my last apartment! thank you!
I promise that I will be better about documenting with pics and video (like last time!) We'll see what I come home to today. ugh.
All in all...I've screamed once and cried twice. Not too bad.
Merry Christmas!
Holiday Open House 2015
9 years ago
fart. in all the mayhem you forgot to give me a picture of tsebo.
but yeah, she did say "bastard." that's when i knew her sense of humor was back.
remember how i almost broke my finger on one of those traps. yeah. that would have made the night HILARIOUS.
p.s. my word is minkst. sounds like some kind of rodent. a cuter rodent than a minkst though.
oops. i meant a cuter rodent than a rat. i think i just wanted to type the word minkst again.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...this time my word is trying. yes, thank you blogspot. i am trying.
No one told you about the allergies in Austin. No one told you about all the rats. Makes me wonder what else they never told you. I think you should move back home right now. shhhh - it's ok, mommy's right here. Come back to mommy.
Now we can add Rat (or minkst) into Jen repetoire of animals she had to battle for us. Jen, you're our hero!
I did laugh. My husband also asked you if the rodent was hairier than you. I laughed then as well. Scrappy is a GOOD thing. That's a compliment, friend. It means you put your big girl panties on and deal with the situation. Unlike the girl standing on the chair screaming hysterically and saying naughty words. (whom I love very much.)
And I want to add that I think "bastard" is an ok word when referring to a rat.
when you say, "rat," do you really mean "RAT" as in Texas sized RAT, or do you mean a little mouse? Don't get me wrong, either one is totally unacceptable, and just as nasty, but i'm just trying to get an accurate picture here.
Emily, I hate that rat for you! Just letting you know I am praying that rat will be as dead as a doornail! Stupid little stinker. P.S. laughed SO hard at the bastard comment!
Oh Emily, I am sorry!! I did some research for you. It looks like the mouse-like traps are the most accurate, least bloody, and most humane (I don't understand that though cause it does still kill the rat... just fast I guess without pain). I don't blame you for sleeping elsewhere or using bad words! :)
Oh man, Emily. How about you and all the rodents! Whenever someone mentions the words "mouse" or "rat" I think of you because Lindsay Mac used to tell of the horrors of the No. Liberty house... You just can't get away from them... It must have been scary, cause there are no stories of pants peeing this time. I'm hoping this situation is resolved quickly. Yuck.
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