Thursday, April 23, 2009

Missing my Short Hair

I miss my short hair.
What do I do?!
Short hair:Long hair:wow. I'm really cheesy.


Jenna said...

i'm facing the same dilemma! you are so pretty - either way - but i really like your hair short and crazy!

Jen said...

You're pretty much beautiful no matter what and if your hair weren't amazing, I'd tell you to just shave it.

codi said...

I love your short hair! It is so pretty, as are you! It may inspire me to take a little plunge myself...a "plunge" for me means maybe even a touch shorter than shoulder-length:)Looks great!

codi said...

I meant to say both look great(at the end of my comment)sorry-kids talking to me while I was trying to type and then I accidently pushed enter before I could fix it. But I have long thought you are simply adorable with short hair...if you do it, I'll do it:)

CharCof said...

I like it either personal preference for me is short, but since we both know that is not how mine is now...

The shorter, the easier...and it will always grow back. If you want to shave it...I'm game for that. We'll do it together on September 8th ;-)

Kelli B said...

Cheesy? No. Beautiful? Yes!!! I love it. Em, I havent seen you for SO LONG and I didnt even know that your hair WAS so long! It's lovely...really lovely!

The nice thing is you can pull of either look. So you will never go wrong :)

I really like the long hair. Lovin' the new look!

Kelli B said...

PS - How do you make your hair look like that??? THe beautiful lucious curly locks are awesome. Or do you just have naturally curly hair? I love it!

jamie said...

i just made an appt to get mine chopped too- do it!

Melissa said...

Okay...I think you are adorable either way but I have to say your long hair is just beautiful!! I have never seen it so long on you! It so pretty, Em. You have the prettiest curls. Don't cut it!!! (at least not right away). :)

Laura said...

Cut it all off....make me a wig. Send it to Iowa. You KNOW I love your hair. It looks really cute long. REALLY. It looks really cute short. Not everyone (me)can pull of short hair like you can. You're a gorgeous creature, darn you. I know you...its going to get hotter and hotter in Texas and your heads gonna start sweatin' and your going to want to chop it. I DO miss the skunk stripe....that was cool. What does Brett think????

Leah said...

Why were you growing it out to begin with? It might be a good question to consider if you need perseverance in that.

Meanwhile, I think short hair is soooo you, for whatever it's worth.

And reading all of this dialogue makes me want to get my hair cut, too.

jamie said...

I did it :)

elly said...

cut it, girl! haha... i've never heard someone miss their short hair--it's so easily remedied! i miss my LONG hair... what do i do??