Thursday, February 15, 2007

Quotes of the Day

Quotes of the day:

"I was going to work out but I ate a whole thing of Milk Duds."--Me to Rebecca when she asked me if I worked out last week.

"I really thought he was a homeless guy coming off the streets with his suitcase."-- My co-worker talking about the IKON copier guy that came to service our copy machine.

"Mommy, you have a baby in your heart."-- Sam, my nephew age 3, in response to my sister, Jill, when she told him that she was going to have a baby!


Anonymous said...

I love your sharing quotes. Man, There is so much I should be writing down between grandkids, preschool students and Don!!! -mom

Anonymous said...

There once was a man. He is name was Fred.

Anonymous said...

"Does Gary Coleman make sleeping bags?"

Ahh, the days of the quote book revisited!