Thursday, February 08, 2007

Diet Coke Update...

I have cut back to at the most 1 can of Diet Coke a day. It has been ok, except for the MAJOR headaches. The headaches have been HORRIBLE. I have been drinking lots of water which means frequent trips to the bathroom. That gets a little old. But for the most part I think I'm on my way to breaking the habit.


Meghan said...

Yeah Em you're back! I've missed you and I've worried about I am happy to see you again:)

Anonymous said...

I've been cutting back on the soda myself for a while now after waaaaaayyyyy too many years of addiction. I don't drink water (same problem!) though... I drink Orange Juice. Less trips to the bathroom and it's not soda!

The headaches will go away... it took a week or two for mine to leave. But it's been worth it.

Good luck!

Chris said...

Weird. Dunno why it made me anonymous. Oh well. One day I'll figure out how computers work.

Kelli B said...

so my mom LOVES diet pepsi, and she drank like 3-5 cans a day. she tried to break the habit once, but the headaches were too bad. So if you can get past it - you are on your way to recovery! ;)

ps - diet pops have aspertame in them, which is an ingredient that can lead to an addiction, and when you fill your system with it and the cut it cold turkey, it is the key cause of your headaches.

seriously - i think it's great you are trying to break the addictioN! (sounds funny, like you're breaking a life or death addiction! maybe it could be, i dunno!)

love you em - keep it up!

Anonymous said...

You are very brave. If I had unlimited access to soda I would need rehab to quit! The headaches are are almost out of the woods and you will be amazed at how good you feel.