Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sauerkraut Days/Heritage Days, Solon Beef Days

I love small town festivals. Not too long ago I attended what was originally going to be the Sauerkraut Days to see a friend play in his band, but he was actually playing at Heritage Days, not Sauerkraut Days. I was a little disappointed, I do like Sauerkraut and I love that there was a festival in it's honor, but Heritage Days had it's very own fun!! Here are a few pics...

Jenna and I
(some say we're sisters, some think we're the same person, we just kind of look alike I guess!)

Andrew's band- South of 80
Some sweet fireworks!
We were right underneath them, I have never been so close to fireworks before, it was amazing!
Sorry Mike and Bill for making you sit through them, but they are pretty!Jenna looking extremely cool with Andrew's bass drum! We were roadies...sort of ! We wrapped a couple of cords and ...carried a bass drum!
So tonight Sharon and I went to the Solon Beef Days! Again, quite the experience...there was another sighting...of The King...

Check out those moves and check out those lips!
I do have to say that this guy was pretty good...not like the other Elvis I saw down at the Ped Mall. This guy had a great voice and had all of the moves down! Including lots of hip stuff! Sharon and I ended up sitting towards the front on the grass with a bunch of kids. Being that close made me a little nervous and I tried hard not to make eye contact, but it happened...Elvis and I had a moment where we made eye contact and he winked at me! I think I can see why all of the ladies, back in the day, went crazy for him!

This guy had to be a hard core fan back in the day...he was sitting right up front with his camera (okay, so I was sitting way up front and I had my camera too) but check out his shirt...
I think I need to get a shirt like that! I mean, having two Elvis sightings in 3 days...maybe I'm supposed to go live in Memphis! (i don't think so!)


William Flinn said...

The fireworks were okay....I guess. :)

Unknown said...

EMILY this is hilarious. oh, man. i'm so glad you came with me! you are fun *and* thoughtful (who would have thought you could get both?). looks like Beef Days was a hit of gargantuan (shall we say *King Sized*) proportions. :D
love the pics!

Vitamin Z said...

I have to admit that I am a bit concerned with your apperent fixation with Elvis' hip thrusts and your deep desire for eye contact. I think we need to have a talk.

sara lyn said...

hi em :) i found you via reading your posts. :) you're cute.
love you!
sara lyn

emily said...

Jenna--you crack me up. I loved that you used the word garganuan!
Zach--no need to worry friend I don't think there will be many Elvis' down in Austin...just cowboys! j/k
Sara--Hey sister!! How's Africa!!

Kelli B said...

Do you know this guy's real name? Cause there was a guy from my hometown who has become quite famous in America for touring and doing his Elvis concerts.

Interesting...slightly scary. :)


Joanna Kay said...

Em, I crack up almost everytime I read your blog because I can picture you writing these and sitting there laughing at your experiences... And then Zach writes in and the laughter never ceases.
Do you ever have dull days? ha ha