Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Banana Seat

So I officially feel old.
I was walking back to the dorm of some of the freshman girls that I lead and we were talking about bikes. We were talking about different things that we had on our the different types of horns, or bells...streamers on the in the spokes...I pulled out the ole banana seat and there was silence. They had no clue what a banana seat was!!!! I felt old.


Anonymous said...

i had a yellow sparkly bike with a white and daisy decorated banana seat! i think i was able to safely situate 2 other friends while riding. FUN! hilary

Anonymous said...

That was the best. That was my all time favorite bike. Remember, I would tie my dolls and stuffed animals to the back half and away I'd go. The blue sparkly banana seat....ahh, memories!

Anonymous said...

Ours was blue and sparkly too, but I never liked the banana seat bike! It was sooo "uncool" by the time I got it as a hand-me-down! Story of my life by the way...hand-me-downs for everything!

elly said...

on my blue bike i had a silver sparkled banana seat.

and we're not old!

Anonymous said...

Hi Em, I am missing the blogs so I got a chance to check this evening and wanted to say "HI." Hope you're great! Miss you.

I had the banana seat Gretchen mentioned first and was WAY disappointed that it was blue. I guess neither of us liked that poor old bike.

Shadley said...

wow that is really sad. you are old :)

emily said...

thanks Shadley. I think I like what Elly said better.

Shelly said...

Did you name your bike too? Like the bike was really an imaginary horse? The brand name on my bike was 'Free Spirit' so that's what I named my horse, I mean bike. :)