Today, March 5th, is my mom's birthday. She is more beautiful today than ever. Her beauty grows as she delights more and more in Jesus and as she grows in wisdom and knowledge of Him. It is so hard to be away and to miss out on her hugs and just laying my head on her chest the way I did as a little girl. She lives her life with exclamation mark living. Being goofy because she is alive! Her love and her creativity is for her creator, and it's about HIM.
She is a woman who trusts in the Lord and has taught me so much about strength and perseverance. Her love knows no limits. My love for her continues to grow and I am honored to have her as my mother. I love you mom! Happy Birthday!
nice tribute...but you know you only dared posting 'hula mom' because youre halfway across the country and not within reach. Happy Birthday, mom! P.S. Your hair in that baby picture looks like Lily's! I hope she knows what she's in for!!!
It's late at night, saw this, had a good laugh/cry and now I feel such a sweetness - surely Jesus' love flowing through us. And such relief that "Hula Mom" has been exposed - just opens the door for people to see more of the real me!I love you, Francy Ward Girl.
ok...I don't know if I'm liking the sounds of this. The picture that Meghan is talking about is from my photo album that you guys made me for my graduation party. (I still can't believe that you did that.)It's a picture of me wearing an American Flag sweater, and I'm holding my arms out as if I am actually an American Flag. I'm not sure how old I am in the picture, but I'm pretty sure that no one else has a copy of this picture besides me. I'll think about taking an actual picture of it...I will only think about it.
nice tribute...but you know you only dared posting 'hula mom' because youre halfway across the country and not within reach. Happy Birthday, mom! P.S. Your hair in that baby picture looks like Lily's! I hope she knows what she's in for!!!
That made me smile to think about Lily! Yeah...I have a feeling I might get a comment about posting "Hula Mom", but I couldn't resist!
Happy Birthday Aunt Connie! Hope you have a wonderful day. Em you are sweet to honor your mom on her b-day, I love "Hula Connie"!
I need to tell her brother about this website!
It's late at night, saw this, had a good laugh/cry and now I feel such a sweetness - surely Jesus' love flowing through us. And such relief that "Hula Mom" has been exposed - just opens the door for people to see more of the real me!I love you, Francy Ward Girl.
Happy belated birthday Connie! I definitely think you need to break our the "Proud to be an American" picture of Emily! Have Jill post it:) he he.
What pic is this?! There are so many that come to mind! I would gladly post almost any embarassing/cute picture of my siblings.
ok...I don't know if I'm liking the sounds of this. The picture that Meghan is talking about is from my photo album that you guys made me for my graduation party. (I still can't believe that you did that.)It's a picture of me wearing an American Flag sweater, and I'm holding my arms out as if I am actually an American Flag. I'm not sure how old I am in the picture, but I'm pretty sure that no one else has a copy of this picture besides me. I'll think about taking an actual picture of it...I will only think about it.
ha ha! I am liking the sounds of this! Any embarassing pic of your siblings? break them out Jill!
This could get really funny.
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