Sunday, April 29, 2007

Video Problems.

UGH!! It's 3:00am and I can't sleep because of a stupid headache.
This is SO frustrating!
Another thing that is frustrating is that I took some fun videos today on my camera and I'm trying to download them onto Google video and for some reason it won't let me, and I figured out that it will only take videos that are no larger than 100MB. I guess mine are bigger. But they are only a minute or two long. I'm not quite sure what the deal is...
Would love anyone's input on what to do. Can I somehow resize it so that it's smaller, or is it a setting on my camera?
I downloaded a Google Video Uploader that is for videos larger than 100MB but it is taking FOREVER to download them.
Any suggestions??!


Chris said...

What are you using to take the video?

If all else fails just bring 'em by my place when you're in IA some time and I can convert them. I have a program (on my Mac) that can convert pretty much anything.

emily said...

I'm using my digital camera.