Tomorrow is the day. I can't even believe it. My mom and my sisters will be in Austin Texas at 6:20pm.
The last couple of days I have been SO sick. It's not strep, it's not a sinus infection...just some sort of virus. So no antibiotics just decongestant and nasal spray (that doesn't seem to be working)
I've been laid up in bed and my body hurts and aches. The times that I've gotten up to move or do anything I'm completely wiped out.
This is NOT happening is it?!!? They come tomorrow and I'm still blowing my nose a million times, can hardly talk...let alone laugh without coughing up a lung...seriously.
God is good. His timing and His plan is perfect and I'm trusting Him that He alone can give me energy and clear out my body of all nastiness.
It's a big deal for me. Its the first time that my family will have come to visit since I've moved to Austin. I've been here almost 3 years and have an amazing life here and I finally get to show them!!! They will meet my friends, see my apartment, experience church, see Austin...I'm so excited. I just want to be well and I REALLY don't want to get them sick.
Please pray for a miracle. It seems silly to ask...but pray!!!
No matter what, we will enjoy each other, there will be laughter and even pant wetting. I just really want to fully enjoy it!
Holiday Open House 2015
9 years ago
i will be praying for you! how exciting to have your mom and sisters there! enjoy your times together.
It's not silly at all, I completely understand. I hope you feel better soon and I will pray for that right now! I LOVE YOU!!
I'm praying for ya Emily!! I really want your sisters & mom to have a great experience so they can see how awesome austin is!!
In the very least... they'll be able to take care of you. Who understands better than family???
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