I was so blessed yesterday listening to a message online from my future church, Austin Stone. I have been getting fed so much by listening to their sermons online. This message was the Mother's Day message on Proverbs 31. This message is so encouraging, both the ladies and the guys. Ladies...Our calling is to completely fall in love with Jesus. Alot of times women come away from a Proverbs 31 talk and feel discouraged, feeling like they can never live up to that calling. Don't be discouraged. "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come...charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Our clothing is strength and dignity. He never once talks about the outward appearance, what our body type should be, what type of brand names we should wear. CHARACTER ladies! I have to constantly remind myself of that. I have found myself in relationships where I have felt like what I look like matters more than who I am. I have to constantly be reminded of these verses and that a man who will treat me right some day will love me because of me and my character not because they think "I'm hot". My prayer is that Jesus would clothe me with strength and dignity, that I would continue my laughing at the days to come!!
Guys...first to my single guys...pray for this woman, look for character first, encourage your sisters. to my married guys...encourage your wife and build her up. Make sure she knows that she is BEAUTIFUL! Pray for the future, pray for your kids spouses, their friends, be proactive.
Take a listen to this message and let me know what you think.
Holiday Open House 2015
9 years ago